Sunday, December 13, 2009

If someone blushes and lacks eye contact when they open up about themselves, what would you think?

The person keeps eye contact when they are listening to or asking about others, but when they decide to talk or open up about themselves, they blush and look downwards a lot.

What would you think about the person, about the behavior, etc?If someone blushes and lacks eye contact when they open up about themselves, what would you think?
That person is not being insincere, as you would think, but rather being embarrassed and ashamed of what they are revealing. Don't be as ready to jump on them for have less than perfect public speaking skills. They are not proud to uncover certain issues, but trust you enough to share these painful stories with you and others.

So, please be supportive in their ';opening up'; during a personal share session. You may be the only person who they have trust in or feel comfortable enough to share.If someone blushes and lacks eye contact when they open up about themselves, what would you think?
That person probably doesn't ever share those intimate details with anyone, and doing so is making them slightly uncomfortable. The fact that they continued to share shows that they wanted to open up though.
Normal behavior, sometimes its hard to tell personal things bout yourself to someone so you look away to make it easier, as if your just reciting it to think there telling the truth if its something personal...
I'd think they were shy and probably don't open up about themselves to many people.
Sometimes modesty.
Lying, if they shift their eyes to the right.
Not ready to trust the listeners.
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